Posted: 2005-08-16 18:05:01
 (Poster for Tilburg/HOL 2005)
After coming in we were waiting at the part where you could order shirts and cds. I saw Caroline coming in - remembered her from the Picture postings of the message board. I said hello to her but she seemed to be nervous expecting her first exspearience. Well - Johan already wrote almost all about this gig - so read Johan's review, be sure I feel the same. In contrast to all the other shows I were before, I decided not to take any picture or to write down the setlist. I knew that Johan was taking care for this so I just enjoyed the show :-))). Here is also the link for Johan's pictures. Juiceman, Anna, Lies, Johan, Gert, I and some other friends were standing on the right side near the sound system so we should have the best sound and view to the stage. In addition to Johan I can say that I also liked the music of K-OS. Reminds me of N-Factor (German HipHop from the early 90th). The rap-parts of the singer were sometimes a little bit to monotone but anyway they were good. According to the setlist we saw on the sound amplifiers it should be a short gig but it was one of the best I saw. I think they are becoming more and more professional - could be a reason of playing at all these festivals but I feel not sorry about this. It was getting really silent at the song "Tolerance" when they were also showing pictures of the documentary film I know I'm not alone. Very emotionally. After two hours it ended with Never too late and the Cleanup man, I already know from other Live records just some weeks ago.