
Gig reports and other special events


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Days in the Netherlands - Haarlem(NED)




Posted: 2011-10-24 09:45:10

Me & Marion on the beach
near Haarlem 10/22/11

First at all - I had 2 1/2 wonderful sunny days in The Netherlands - staying with friends in Haarlem - enjoying walking on the beach at Bloemendaal - had a phantastic show at the Paradiso - met "old spearits" like Juergen, Gerd and talked a little bit with Carl, Raliegh and Michael. But let's begin from the start.

I arrived on Fr 7 pm at Haarlem railway station where Marion und Bauke catched me. After dinner we had some appel beer, wine and a lot to talk. The evening ended after midnight.

Saturday was very sunny - no wind - so we decided to go on the beach at Haarlem/Bloemendaal in the afternoon where we made a long walk forth and back and between the dunes. Than we prepared us for the Paradiso-show.



Sad day - Wuerzberg(DE)




Posted: 2011-10-12 10:21:34

My GrandAunt died with the age of 92. She was the big basic person in the family structure who kept them together (RIP).


European Tourdates Michael Franti & Spearhead - London-Paris-Berlin(EU)




Posted: 2008-05-05 23:40:21

Yeah, the European tourdates for the summer are announced and they will also come to Berlin on Aug. 26 - just a week after my Finnland vacation. A lot of gigs in Great Britain this year. In Berlin they will play at the Postbahnhof - good rememberance of a Little Axe gig there in 2005. Hope it will get wonderful.


Ticket for Kalkscheune - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2006-10-07 17:25:19

Today I bought my first ticket for the Kalkscheune gig. It will be a birthday present for a friend - another 66. Together with the Yell Fire-CD. What could be a better birthday present?


New Home for StayHuman.org - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2006-10-06 06:15:03

After two days&nights of backup&restore the database of the StayHuman Messageboard, it was done. Messageboard files and database is on the new server now. It seems the new server at mediaTemple is very fast. Good descision to change the provider. Looks like I can bring back in time the old features like sound playing and videos.


New European Tourdates - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2006-09-29 03:02:32

I can't believe it - they are coming to Berlin. WOW. I am so so haaappppyy.

Two more gigs in Germany. Berlin and Hamburg. Maybe I can go to both of them.

This makes my descion to cancel Eindhoven much more easier, although I wouldn't see all the spearits there - especially the Tripple-J's: Juiceman, Jurg and Johan.


TV Channel VivaPlus - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2004-12-13 23:47:16

"Language of Violence" from "The Disposable Heroes of HipHoprisy" was showing at German TV Channel VivaPlus.


Sad day - Jesberg(DE)




Posted: 2004-12-10 06:49:33

It is my birthday and my GrandMa died two hours before I could say Goodbye (RIP).


Second child was born - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2004-12-10 06:45:13

My little and wonderful daughter could not wait until 24th of Dec. She was born at home - no chance to go to the hospital.


My child was born - Berlin(DE)




Posted: 2004-12-07 21:32:40

For the first time in my life I became a father of a wonderful son.


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