Posted: 2011-10-24 09:45:10
 Me & Marion on the beach near Haarlem 10/22/11
First at all - I had 2 1/2 wonderful sunny days in The Netherlands - staying with friends in Haarlem - enjoying walking on the beach at Bloemendaal - had a phantastic show at the Paradiso - met "old spearits" like Juergen, Gerd and talked a little bit with Carl, Raliegh and Michael. But let's begin from the start.
I arrived on Fr 7 pm at Haarlem railway station where Marion und Bauke catched me. After dinner we had some appel beer, wine and a lot to talk. The evening ended after midnight.
Saturday was very sunny - no wind - so we decided to go on the beach at Haarlem/Bloemendaal in the afternoon where we made a long walk forth and back and between the dunes. Than we prepared us for the Paradiso-show.
Go here for Michael Franti & Spearhead@Paradiso ...
The next day the whole family of Fisser/DeBoer left Haarlem at 11 am to go to the birthday-party of Grandma, so I had the whole day for me. Not sure what to do, I decided to stay at the place, starting to make the review from the day before, creating a playlist for Bauke and Marion, take some more sleep, taking a shower and watching TV News until they were coming back at 8:30 pm. Together we watched the German criminal series "Tatort" which was from Berlin. Than - this looked very funny - we were sitting on the big table everyone on its own laptop. We were trying to get my playlist-directories to the iPod/iTunes library - but we were not sure if it really worked.
Monday was waiting - we went to bed around midnight. In the morning all - except Marion - left for work, school. I took some coffee and bread and Marion brought me to the railway station. Around 6 pm I was at home ...