Posted: 2005-08-16 23:52:04
 (Juiceman, Johan and me @013 Tilburg)
Well this weekend in Netherlands and Belgium was so amazing - even now
two days later I don't know where to begin. For the first time in my
exspearience I learned to know wonderful spearits, almost all members
of the Spearhead band and the crew and ...
But lets start from the beginning. I arrived Tilburg by train at 6 pm and Juiceman, Anna
and Lies took me from there with their car to a parkhouse near the venue 013.
Well Juiceman excused himself for that fishy stinkin inside his car. He was
transporting fish for barbeque at his cafe - Bacchus Café Geel. We went
to a cafe just around the corner of the venue for some drink, only sitting there
5 min and we saw Michael together with a woman walking along the street.
They had a little talk with us and the woman was introduced as Carla(?) -
Web designer for SpearheadVibrations. Juiceman asked Michael if he could come
to the Bacchus Cafe for some songs in between the festival gigs and well Michael
found it a good idea but didn't know if the festivals schedule allowed this extra
event. Anyway - it was 7:30 pm and we were going to the entrance of 013 expecting a
wonderful show of Spearhead at 013.
After the show finished - dance music from tape
was playing in a moment. We were waiting for more than 30 min before we left the
venue. We drive to Geel and visiting the Bacchus-Cafe for some more drink and talk.
It was my first time being in Belgium and the first time of drinking a Duvel beer.
Staying at Juiceman's and Anna's home I was talking with Juiceman about his strange
experience in Finland - the Seinajoki Festival. I think he should go there once again.
Staying in Helsinki - should be quite different for him, also the people - I definitely know.
The next day I woke up at 12'o'clock having some breakfeast and good time to get enough
energy for this evening at the Lokerse feesten. The weather forecasting was not could
for the day so we were also prepared for rain. Anna decided not to come to
the festival so she had really missed my absolute highlight of exspearience. We took
also Tom with us who was waiting at the Bacchus. At 5 pm we drove to Lokeren, parking
the car maybe 1km away from the festival ground. We bought the tickets and before the doors
were opened we were going for something to drink. On our way back to the Fesival ground
once again Michael and Carla crossed our way. Incredibale. They were eating some
Frensh fries also inviting us to take some. Juiceman asked Michael again about this
extra event at the Bacchus and I was talking with Carla about the message board
and some technical stuff and joked he should make a new song like "Frensh fries and ice -
like a needer play twice". He was laughing. Well, it started to rain and we were going
to eat something. We met there Lies and her husband Jan - happy that they also could
come. We went in - another drink, the rain just stopped for the beginning of the last night of the Lokerse Feesten.
But the best was coming after the official end.
We walked to the security wall trying to get a talk with Michael - and
of course we got it. Juiceman just talked with Versace - the sound manager of Spearhead
and he was managing backstage tickets for Juiceman, Lies and me. WOW. My knees began to shake. Could this really be true? After 10 min (it was for me like an hour)
Versace was coming back with a man - I think it was the tour manager - and they gave us
three of them. We had to go on the right side of the stage where a woman let us in.
After some minutes of waiting under the stage (in the mean time there were just
5 m before us photo shootings with Michael) we could go to the Backstage area
where we met again Johan and Gert. They told us that Spearhead will make a Jam Session
together with the band members of Rios in some minutes. We went into the tent
where they were already build up the stage. Lies and I were sitting just some minutes
for having a short break. (Here are some pics of that moment). They began playing and the tent get filled with people
more and more. Johan was taping the whole session with his camera. It was getting
hotter and hotter because the people started to dance after Michael took some people
in the middle of the tent. Then Michael told that it is Anthony's birthday so we started
singing Happy birthday. It took maybe 1 1/2 hour till they stopped playing.
Outside we had a short talk with Dave and Manas. Versace was sitting together with
us and we talked about all the great shows he was. At 4 pm we decided that it
was time to leave otherwise I wouldn't catch the train I would like to take back to Berlin.
Juiceman and Lies were driving me to Eindhoven and we had some problems to find the railway station.
After we said Good bye I took the train back to the normal way of life.
Thank you again Holland/Belgium. I had a real real Family affair!!!