Posted: 2004-12-14 21:13:12
 (northseajazz HEATS THE HAGUE)
This was my first Spearhead-gig this year and I was very excited to go there.
I left Berlin early in the mornig and travelled relaxed by train to
Amsterdam/Haarlem be escorted by big showers of rain the whole day. At 8 pm Bauke and I were
leaving Haarlem and we arrived Den Haag 1/2 hour later. So we had enough
time to drink something at the many street cafe's around the Plein listening
to Jaco Pastorious Big Band and hoping that the rain would stop until the
Spearhead gig started. In the meantime more and more people were coming so
we didn't see that the place before the stage was already full and we could
not go there. So we had a place on the right side maybe 15 m from the stage.
From the first moment Michael asked us people "How do you feeliiiin" until the
last song it was a jumping, waving and singing mass of people with so much
love to give. At the end of the show Michael was taking the bath with the masses,
hugging all the people who wanted and it became more and more people.
Thank you again Netherlands. For Bauke it was his first exSpearience
and he liked it very much. So he will never miss a Spearhead-gig in and around
Amsterdam the next time.
I took some pictures (was not the best camera) and was writing down the setlist (Read more in the reviews).
Check it out.
Reviews of the Northseajazz HEATSTHEHAGUE - Show
Taken from SpearheadVibrations - Reviews
North Sea heats The Hague The Hague, Netherlands
Posted by - shanti 07/08/2004
Dear Mr. Franti and band Spearhead, I would like to thank you all for bringing such beautiful and inspiring music and lyrics. Today I feel refreshed, as if the complete public has received a shower of love. Thank you, Namaste, shanti
Northsea Jazz Festival Den Haag
Posted by - Jane 07/08/2004
What can I say? Absolutely, utterly brilliant. I have been told beforehand that Spearheads would be very much worth my while to see so I took the advice and do not regret it one bit. It made me go and buy some CDs immediately. Thanks for a fantastic show! It definitely made me move. Jane
Taken from SpearheadVibrations - MsgBoard - Music
north sea jazz heats the hague
Posted by - jsmn 07:11:10 07/08/2004
it was so nice to see michael and spearhead again, even in the rain. michael and dave were a bit under the weather, so they said. but i didn't see it in the performance, it was wonderful. take care, my friends.
RE: north sea jazz heats the hague
Posted by - Joerg 12:47:08 07/09/2004
Yeah jsmn, it was great. I also was there and even the rain could not harm the good vibrations there. Where have you been? I didn't see your msg at the early. Anyway, it was awesome.
See yo all next time in NED.
Peace Joerg
I took some pictures, don't know if they are ok. They will be at my site within the next days.
RE: RE: north sea jazz heats the hague - setlist
Posted by - Joerg 12:53:08 07/09/2004
I forgot to mention.
They also were playing the new song "Revolution". It
Here is the setlist as I can remember:
Yes I will
What I be
Pray for Grace
Stay Human
Family affair
Time to come home (and I know) (???)
Bomb the world
We don't stop
Never too late
North Sea Jazz 2004
Posted by - 05:33:40 07/10/2004
You guys are the best! I saw you on your free gig on the plein here in The Hague and again the next day on the North Sea Jazz Festival. I already loved your music, but now that I've met Michael Franti in person (only two minutes ;) ) I appreciate you even more. It was great to realise that the message in your music is actually just the way you are in real life. Keep making a difference in this crazy world and come back soon to Holland!
RE: North Sea Jazz!!!
Posted by - Isabella 07:47:55 07/12/2004
Dear Michael, What a brave thing to do! To speak your heart out about your trip to Iraq without knowing whether it'll be appreciated or not... (like you care ;-) ) For the spearits who were there, they including me weren't expecting anything else... And than that terrific song! I'm sure you have got a lot of new spearits since that night...
xxx Isabella
Taken from SpearheadVibrations - MsgBoard - World
The Hague "Heavenly Rain"
Posted by - Darpan 05:10:19 07/08/2004
I like to thanks Spearhead and Michael for the special "rain and dance experience" last nigh here in my hometown The Hague. Wow what a swinging and peacefull concert my friends.... Thanks for sharing your Iraq experience with us Michael and the wonderfull song you wrote there. In some moments when I listen to the music and lyrics when you are singing, I have to laugh and cry sometimes in the same moment!! A great feeling and experience. Thanks for being Michael, keep on spreading rebelious love and peace around this globe. Keep the fire burning..... The rain didn't matter last night. It felt like a warm shower on and in front of the stage..... Thanks to Michael, thanks to the band and to the fantastic crowd in front of the stage that was jumping up and down and singing.... And Michael thanks for your warm hug. Keep on "enlightning" the globe.... Thanks for being.......
Love and Compassion, Darpan (a.k.a. Green Ambassador).
RE: The Hague "Heavenly Rain"
Posted by - Em 12:41:12 07/09/2004
I was so sad I wouldn't be able to join you at the North Sea Jazz Festival, i've been there before, it's a great musical experience! So great you played in the open air the night before!! It was wonderful! I hate rain but now it didn't matter that much... You showed that everyone truly does deserve music! Thanks for the music and the sunshine in rainy The Hague!
International Justice in The Hague
Posted by - an international civil servant 02:34:56 07/09/2004
Dear Michael, Thank you very much for a fantastic concert! Looking forward to the one tonight as well. The Hague is wonderful this time of year when it comes to music, but there are other things going on in this town ... (if you like to read the whole posting - check out the whole message at
You guys rocked!! the place
Posted by - Johanna 03:41:02 07/10/2004
Spearhead!! Thanx again for a concert to remember for months. Within minutes the whole place ignited and blew up in sparkles and joy, everybody dancing and enjoying. We all had the best time. And were impressed and fell silent after Mr. Franti shared a small particle of his experiences in Iraq and Palestine.... You guys are truly the greatest. Don't change!! and please keep coming back. Truly hope all of you enjoyed it as much as we did. Keep going strong. Power to the peaceful!
2 Years Ago Today - We Cancelled On Belgrade
Posted by - Erin 07:48:09 07/10/2004
From Serbia I met you all in the Hague, to tell you face to face what happened in Belgrade - how fucking horrifying it was and also how hopeful and beautiful. Mike you've never even come through on an interview for them. You know I love you, but I am also very regretful we have not followed through in Eastern Europe. If it really means something to you to reach out in that part of the world, tell your folks to get in touch, return phone calls, make time for it. Serbia is a country without windows, smothered in crime, with a million or so children hoping desperately for a better life. Please come through!
Taken from - Forum
north sea jazz heats the hague
Posted by - jsmn Fri Jul 09, 2004 2:20 am
it was really nice to see michael and spearhead again. our first time this year. as we were walking on the street, we saw michael arrive at the plein. he told us he was a bit under the weather and had a sour throat. dave was a bit under the weather too, so he said as we saw him on stage. well, the gig was as ever: really good. we've made some pictures. get 'm on line real soon.