Posted: 2014-11-13 07:51:10
Groundation @ Yaam Club / Berlin 31/10/14
It was Halloween weekend and a lot of people were dressed up in costumes this night. I left home at maybe 9 pm by bus so it took me almost near the Yaam Club. On the way I tried to reach a friend by phone if he would like to come with me but there was no answer.
When I arrived at the venue there was a long queue before the entrance. I went to the front and asked if I could get in because I should be listed on the guestlist but the bouncer showed me the way back to the line. So it took maybe 15 - 20 min before I passed the entrance. On the cashpoint I asked for checking the guestlist for my name. After a while they found it and I could get in.
Since I saw KRS-One at the Yaam Club in summer I knew where to go, to get a beer and where I could leave my jacket. Michael Versteegt was on the big amplifier at the back of the hall. I said ’Hello’ but let him do his work - looked like they were doin some more soundcheck.
The Yaam club was filled pretty good but luckily it was not so hot in there like it was with KRS-One. I took a place back on the right side direct on the wall so I had something to lean on. It began at 9:30 and took almost 2 hours before it end.
My mistake was that I never bought any record of Groundation although I like their music and performance so much. So I can’t remember any song by name except the cover version of Marley’s ’Exodus’
After the gig was over it took a while to find Michael at the Yaam club. I asked someone of the Groundation stuff but they didn’t know.
In the end I found him and we took a little walk to the Oranienstreet to eat something. After talking a while about family and music we said goodbye and I arrived maybe at 1 am my home - once again happy for seeing Michael and Groundation.
One selfmade videos of the show:
Groundation - 31-10-2014 Yaam Club Berlin DE