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Taken from Media Education Foundation (Feb, 2002)

The Need for Global Perspective

Well, I think it's really difficult with the way that the media is presenting things to show people, to relate to people, to communicate that we're all one.You don't see the effects of bombing in Kabul and Kandahar, and you don't see the limbs blown off of people, and you don't see any children dead. You don't see the hospitals blown up, you don't see the mosques blown up, the schools blown up. You just see this quote-unquote "surgical bombing," which is kind of like going after your wisdom teeth with an ax.So most people still don't make the connection that the tears of a mother in New York are the same as the tears of a mother in any part of the world. style="mso-spacerun: yes"> And they have been believing this notion that you can simultaneously engage in a humanitarian effort and a war at the same time. Because we drop little bits of food on some people-it's not part of their diet, it's not enough to get them more than food for one day, and it's not enough for the millions of people who need food.So it's this myth that they've created that we're doing this just thing.

I've been astounded that there isn't a healthy disbelief in what we're being told.There isn't a healthy devil's advocacy that's being played by anybody, and especially musicians. As a musician, I always feel like rock and roll or hip hop or something should just be against the system almost just because it's the only thing that can be against the system. And that we should be questioning, not because we feel that we're right but just because the system needs to be put in check and needs to be questioned, even if we come to the same conclusions that they do, which we probably won't.

And I think there is a fine line between patriotism and nationalism. And patriotism is when you say, "My country does some good things and some bad things, and I want to support the good things and speak out very strongly against the bad things." And nationalism is when you say, "The government is the government, and I'm going to follow right behind them no matter what they say."And I think that in this millenium patriotism is no longer enough. It is not enough to be just patriotic; you have to have a world perspective because-and maybe for all time, I shouldn't even say for this millenium, but now is the time when people really need to start thinking about what does it mean, that concept of "one love" as Bob Marley puts it.As soon as one person dies, it's not an attack against Americans-it's an attack against the body that is destroyed.As soon as one bomb is dropped and destroys a mountainside, it's one body of the natural world that we're destroying.And it's going to affect all of us ultimately.So I think the more that we can make the connection that we're one person and we're not just nations-we're not just people versus the earth, but that we're part of the earth-the more we can draw those connections, the more that message will release out.

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Thanks& regards,
Lindsey nicole



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